LAUSD GOING WIRELESS to the tune of $500 million for 600,000 students to go 1:1 with wireless tablets-IS OUR OWN FULLERTON SCHOOL DISTRICT NEXT? WILL OUR KIDS BE THE CANARIES IN THE COAL MINE?

Will Fullerton’s students be next?  What will we know after a decade? Can we afford to take that chance? The tech giants are going forward with a full court press right onto our childrens’ laps. Will it lead our kids into more than just the optometrist’s office someday? Do we dare say no to this? I dare say that we do.

  1. #1 by Anonymous on March 8, 2013 - 8:42 am

    This is insane! That district is virtually bankrupt and they are rolling this out? What on earth? This cannot be good for the kids

  2. #2 by Anonymous on March 9, 2013 - 9:42 pm

    yeah now more dinero down the drain as the union is going after them

  3. #3 by Pandora on March 19, 2013 - 10:18 pm

    You have got be aware that somewhere someone is making huge amounts of money, if this thing comes to fruition.
    And again you can pretty sure bet that their is some risk lawyer somewhere calculating, their profit, and your kids brain cancer. My word- has the FUSD claimed they are in fact doing this?

    • #4 by Joe Imbriano on March 20, 2013 - 12:53 pm

      Pandora thank you for your post. The FSD is rolling this out in phases. All classrooms have WiFi in use all day. Even kindergarten classes! I have asked if they can be turned off in the rooms that are not using the wireless devices as they are only on for the convenience of TEACHER’s laptop.This is irresponsible in my opinion and they have refused to respond to me. The tablets are in pilot classrooms and they will be expanding when the “funding becomes available”. They are fundraising and fishing for grant money to roll it out. Stay tuned.

  4. #5 by los angeles mother on October 31, 2013 - 10:33 am

    Class sizes have increased, the kids are jailbreaking these devices to watch porn and play games, and now they tell us they need to order keyboards? I have watched these schools go downhill so fast in the last ten years and this billion dollar mess just makes my heart ache for these poor kids. These kids need hands on and individual attention. Most are at risk. Now they will become even more.

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