from:  joe imbriano <>
to:  bob_pletka <>,
Karen Whisnant <>,
Robert EM Craven <>,
katina_rhodes <>
“Rep. Ed Royce” <>
date:  Wed, Jun 12, 2013 at 09:14 AM

Good morning,

I am formally requesting a copy of the F.S.D.’s RF emissions report that was conducted at Acacia elementary school several weeks ago for my review, study,  and dissemination to the public. In addition, I would like the district to address the safety concerns that I have and continue to present with respect to the effects of the microwave EMF/RF emission levels BELOW the FCC guidelines that could potentially pose a threat to the health and safety of the F.S.D students as a result of the deployment of and the continued expansion of wireless classroom technology. The links to some of the information on the dangers of these microwave EMF/RF emissions are here: ;
The district, its staff and its board are all clearly continuing to deliberately ignore this information. I have not received one single written response addressing the safety concerns regarding EMF emissions below the FCC guidelines from any of you with the exception of a 3-5-13 email from Mr. Craven with industry funded studies and outdated information. The FCC guidelines are decades old and are based on thermal effects only, and they completely disregard non-thermal biological effects and interactions. Government safety standards almost always lag behind the times. In this case they not only lag behind, but they also ignore an entire range of effects. This is not acceptable when it comes to children’s health.
The following experts:, have levels of education, scientific understandings, understandings of this issue and qualifications in their respective fields of expertise, which vastly exceed any one of yours, and as such, in my opinion, none of you, are qualified to completely dismiss or ignore their claims.
We are requesting an in immediate investigation into this as well as a halt to the deployment and continued use of this technology as we believe that the risk of potential harm to the students vastly outweighs the perceived benefits and convenience.  As stewards of the public trust and all the while bearing responsibility for the well being of the students while in your custody, it is incumbent upon all of you to expose yourselves to this information. In my opinion you all need to stop closing your eyes to the reality of the fact that you are potentially harming a large number of children by the continued use of these routers, mandating the use of, and the continued expansion of the use WiFi enabled devices in the F.S.D.’s classrooms.
I can be reached via email at
Thank you,
Joe Imbriano
Site Administrator
  1. #1 by Anonymous on June 12, 2013 - 10:06 am

    You go Joe!

  2. #2 by R.D. on June 12, 2013 - 10:12 am

    We need a school board that cares. We should fire the current bunch and elect new ones who will do the right thing. I believe that their neglect is criminal, and they should be put behind bars. (I wish).

  3. #3 by Veritas on June 12, 2013 - 11:08 am

    great post

  4. #4 by grandma on June 12, 2013 - 12:43 pm

    FSD does not have the right to make the choice to radiate our children. I’m no scientist but the information is plainly written for everyone to read and it is just a matter of time before the district loses it credibility and trust with the parents.

  5. #5 by Anonymous on June 12, 2013 - 12:56 pm

    2 kinds of people in this town those that care and those that don’t we got the wrong bunch up there just like we had and still have with the council

  6. #6 by vetrinarian on June 12, 2013 - 3:37 pm

    I wouldn’t trust these people with my hamster.

  7. #7 by FSD, better start talking about this. on June 12, 2013 - 3:57 pm

    This is a ticking time bomb with the parents. FSD, are you crossing your fingers that the parents won’t wake up in time to stop your EMF radiation experiment on their children? The information is being distributed to the parents, and there is no stopping it.

    This issue is not going away, and the longer the school district willfully ignores the scientists and MDs, the further erosion of trust with the school district. After all, how can the parents trust a school district that will not even look into this matter?

    FSD, can you say “public relations nightmare?” Yep, that’s what happens when you ignore vital health issues with our school children. It happened before in our city; I guess it can happen again.

  8. #8 by R.D. on June 12, 2013 - 4:32 pm

    Only one that cares is Bruce Whitaker. The rest of the clowncil needs to be recalled. You would think Floosy & Fitgerald would care about our children. They only care about their police & fire buddies, who padded their campaigns with lots of money. Shame on them!

    This town has 2 parts. Those North of Bastenchury, and those South of Bastenchury. Rich vs. Poor.

    • #9 by Fullerton resident on June 12, 2013 - 5:16 pm

      Well, that explains a lot. Guess they are beholding to their buddies.

  9. #10 by johnny cant read on June 13, 2013 - 12:13 pm

    don’t blame us

  10. #11 by tamoxifin kidney on June 13, 2013 - 2:44 pm

    Why don’t you send them some cartoons? They won’t read all that stuff. They are probably packin’ their bags for Disneyland as we speak.

    It is a friggin’ joke what we have running the asylum in this town.

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