Is Autism a direct result of wireless microwave EMF emissions acting upon the brains and intestines of the anemic unborn, barbaric birthing procedures and vaccines? Is this the medical establishment with their eyes wide shut, the Autism researchers and foundations hiding up in first class and the wireless industry literally waiting in the wings staring them in the face together on a flight taking our unborn and newborn children straight into an uncertain future? Get your tickets in advance for this one folks.
Not too long ago, I put forth the following article on this very topic on this very blog: http://thefullertoninformer.com/carbonyl-iron-and-orange-county-the-autism-capital-of-the-state/
Maybe so for now but this wheel turns awful fast. In the meantime, let’s hope all of their carbonyl iron levels are where they need to be as they all fly in circles on their flat earth.
#1 by Alberto on August 8, 2013 - 1:22 am
Mr. Imbriano makes some very compelling arguments and the ridicule will only carry his message further. He needs to thank them for the exposure. There will always be open minds in the midst of arrogance and stupidity.
#2 by imacrank on August 8, 2013 - 1:37 pm
Yeah Imbriano’s is a crank and a crackpot and so are the all other folks that generated 15,000 hits for his site the other day. By the looks of things he should begin to sell ad space.
#3 by youracrank on August 11, 2013 - 6:26 pm
Yeah you’re a crank and a crackpot……. imacrank (it says it in your name)
#4 by Anonymous on August 8, 2013 - 3:17 pm
This is the most ridiculous website that I have ever seen in my life.
#5 by Anonymous on August 9, 2013 - 11:58 am
Then why are you here?
#6 by Anonymous on August 8, 2013 - 3:45 pm
I posted over there on that site and they did not post my comments. At least opposing viewpoints are always welcome here from what I have seen. I also noticed that the basic principles Mr. Imbriano set forth on his article have been turned on their heads on that website by the commenters. They either didn’t bother to read it or they are just plain ignorant.
#7 by Joe Imbriano on August 8, 2013 - 4:48 pm
..or just flat out malicious. I am simply here to raise awareness on the needless escalation of what I believe to be a needless epidemic. The attacks are par for the course when you are dealing with some of the largest industries in the world: the wireless industry, big pharma, and the research machines. They should all be trying to find ways to work themselves out of a job.
I put this out there. It is as easy as pie to disprove. The data is out there at their fingertips. I guess they are not ready to discuss the EMF exposure/infertility links either.
#8 by amateur night on August 8, 2013 - 4:39 pm
It takes a village and boy do they got one over there. Just by the looks of those comments, man alive.
#9 by David Gorski is a Quack on August 8, 2013 - 5:00 pm
I wouldn’t sweat it to much. Gorski, a.k.a Orac, is nothing but a liar and a hypocrite who desperately wants to be accepted as a legitimate scientist. His little fan-club, a cadre of fawning lick-spittles do nothing but stroke his already enormous ego to the point where his narcissism and megalomania reach such heights that he thinks he’s far more important than he really is. He’s nothing but an assistant professor, barely intelligent enough to wipe his own bottom.
The best thing to do with Gorski is acknowledge what a fool he is, then promptly forget the idiot exists.
#10 by Anonymous on August 8, 2013 - 5:55 pm
Oncology is big business. Gorski is just another one on the teat. Prevention presents a serious problem with revenues. Mr. Imbriano previously pointed out in one of his earlier comments that cancer itself for the most part is preventable:
Gorski is nothing more a big pharma front man.
I applaud Mr. Imbriano for standing up against this incredibly out of control machine that has a death grip on our Nation’s health care system. Kudos to his work especially when it comes to our children. The Autism debacle is a huge cash cow and needs to be averted with very simple steps outlined in his blog. While this presents problems for those in the industries, it will be the salvation of millions if the warning is heeded.
#11 by Joe Imbriano on August 15, 2013 - 4:31 pm
He has only tried to make fodder out of a theory that terrifies those at the highest levels of industry, academia, public health, finance and government. Of course they have to prove me wrong. That is why they all keep stopping by this website by the thousands everyday from all over the world.
If I was such a crackpot and this theory was so cockamamie, they wouldn’t be coming back for more like a junkie for their next fix.
The big players watch from afar as the low level players like the local and County school administrators are doing everything they can to discredit me and make me go away trying to make this about my assertions, my cause, or my passions. This is about our children and their metal and reproductive health, not Joe Imbriano. The enormous amount of peer reviewed scientific evidence is too readily available. There are literally thousands of studies that show harmful effects. The burden of proof is on them all the while the FSD in an indefensible position, has put out, in my opinion a preposterous RF report while the evidence and studies continue to mount.
The FCC guidelines offer no protection from non thermal biological effects, and the cat is already out of the bag. It is just a matter of time as the autism and infertility rates will continue into orbit at record pace over the next few years. You will see.
Exposure guidelines are not safety standards. Everyone follows the pied piper with this issue. Who is leading him? Where is he headed? I will tell you-straight to special ed, a fertility clinic and an oncologists office after a quick stop at the optometrist. May God help us.
#12 by Anonymous on August 15, 2013 - 5:41 pm
I tend to agree with you Mr. Imbriano. Lacking cogent points and throwing you to his dogs accomplished just the opposite in my humble opinion. Your aptness toward objectivity speaks volumes to his snibbling mosh pit subjects.
#13 by Veritas on August 15, 2013 - 7:45 pm
Gorski’s article was all ridicule and no substance.
#14 by amateur night on August 15, 2013 - 10:09 pm
I call it like I see it, I call it subterfuge.
Is this Guchi Gorski vaccine goon buddies with Shulzepoo, his little foundation and PTA pals, his FSD fellas and the county ed cronies?
#15 by stokes on August 15, 2013 - 10:32 pm
Good call.
#16 by mad scientist on August 17, 2013 - 9:12 am
#17 by WC on August 17, 2013 - 1:15 pm
This is a terrible stance. I love that he uses the term “herd” to describe society. That is exactly how the elite/globalist look at us. I will not let someone who has no support for the safety or the dangers of vaccine dictate what goes directly into my body or my family’s bodies from monkey viruses to worse.
For his argument to be semi credible the Vaccine manufacturers need to be held liable for any damages they cause. Currently they are not able to be sued as such for damages caused by their product. Why should they operate with complete impunity?
When I hear the word herd, culling of the herd comes to mind.
Trust no one, question everything – William Cooper
Nano Tech in the vaccines, autism and RF exposure? http://thefullertoninformer.com/carbonyl-iron-and-orange-county-the-autism-capital-of-the-state/
#18 by Rex the Dog on August 8, 2013 - 6:47 pm
you can post your comments over there #4, but if they are as ridiculous as Embryono’s “theory”, you’ll be laughed off the page. BTW, if clamping a cord caused “asphyxia” as you so stupidly claim, every baby born in the hospital would wind up in the neonatal ICU. This whole iron/emf thing is moronic, too. I’d tell you to go away, but you do better at looking foolish by keeping this stuff posted.
#19 by Rex the cat on August 8, 2013 - 9:45 pm
The human body runs on very low power levels.
Altering its exposure to trillions of times the naturally occurring levels of just about anything causes problems, especially if the exposure is constant. I have read up on the whole umbilical cord clamping business and he is correct. There is ample literature available for your perusal on the effects of cord clamping. It makes no sense to deprive a child of its blood supply at birth.
As far as iron is concerned, I believe Mr. Imbriano proposed that it actually absorbs the microwave radiation. BASF sells their product for use as such-an absorber.
I am glad he does’t censor comments here.
#20 by amateur night on August 8, 2013 - 9:49 pm
It is all ridiculous. Imbriano is a nut job. His theory is ridiculous. The stealth bomber uses tin foil instead of r.a.m for cover. The Easter bunny causes autism. Yeah right. Imbriano couldn’t be more right on but oh no, there is no cause therefore there is no cure. Please oh please just give us more special ed classes, more fundraising, more foundations, more research that leads no where and just put towers and routers everywhere.
#21 by Veritas on August 9, 2013 - 7:18 am
It appears Dr. Gorski is part of the Medical Establishment. As such, he can be expected to vigorously defend Establishment interests and go to an extraordinarily offensive position to do so. The tone of his writing attests to that. As Shakespeare said, “The lady doth protest too much, methinks.” Substitute “lady” for Dr. Gorski, of course.
There won’t be any new ideas that are fairly looked at because they originate from a source outside the Establishment. Their main goal is to protect their position and they go after any idea or person that threatens their status quo.
If what I have just read is correct, this guy attacks any alternative medicine, including acupuncture. Maybe he should start telling the Chinese and those all over the world how he has determined that their ancient medical treatment is not valid.
Really, with such a closed mind as Gorski’s, how is humanity to advance?
#22 by Joe Imbriano on August 9, 2013 - 2:22 pm
Some of the most educated people you will ever meet are actually also some of the most arrogant, foolish and ignorant. The brainwashing that they receive at the behest of big pharma’s controlled curriculum cannot by design, provide cures or prevention. Cures are suppressed. At times they are suppressed at gunpoint by government alphabet agencies’ intervention. By design, prevention is made impossible by the continued proliferation of toxic foods, medications, and technology that continues to make everyone sick.
One would hope that everyone knows that the so called food in the boxes and cans is crap, the booze and the sodas are garbage, and the medicines and the smokes are poison. If you all want to eat, drink, pill pop or smoke your way into a pine box way ahead of your time, go for it, but don’t mess with the unborn in the womb or little kids-that is evil, yes evil.
The ridicule is a compliment. The traffic on this site only goes up everyday. Those on the wrong side of this Autism issue are those that refuse to objectively deal this hypothesis by refusing to objectively prove or disprove it.
Just get one list of parents of an Autistic child in one single county and call every Autistic kids mom and ask them the following questions:
Wifi router close to bed in home?
Wifi router close to workstation or area at work?
Cell tower very near home?
Cell tower very near work?
Wireless tablet, desktop or laptop in use at home?
Wireless tablet, desktop or laptop at work?
Cordless phone base station near bed at home?
Cordless or wireless headset or phone at work?
Excessive microwave exposure at work (fast food workers), communications devices such as 2 way radios or handhelds?
Live in multi-family housing which compound exposures?
Then divide into 3 categories:
Anemic mother? yes or no
Anemic child?-yes or no
Iron supplementation?- yes or no
Divide the anemic into 2 categories:
if yes iron type-ferrous gluconate, ferrous sulfate, or carbonyl iron.
With all the hundreds of millions of dollars chasing this dragon out there with all of the fancy computers, the fat payrolls, fancy buildings, staffers, data mines, endless phone lists and all those fancy letters after their last names you must have at it gang. Do the right thing. Don’t ignore the obvious. Work yourselves out of a job and end this needless epidemic or prove that I am nuts. Oh I keep forgetting that there are tens of trillions of dollars at stake, and not to mention an insidious agenda that has to do with fertility as well on the line.
Hurry up so I can move on to what I believe to be the next one of the 21st century’s latest scams-CANCER and the fraud that surrounds that whole needless tragedy being so carefully, and cruelly perpetrated on humanity that appears to be being aided and abetted by the same cast of characters as this whole Autism disaster.
#23 by amateur night on August 9, 2013 - 5:26 pm
Big money, big egos, small …….. . They gotta just keep everyone in the dark worshiping them there white coats so they can drug, cut,burn, bilk and then have someone else bury them. The whole time the cures are buried under boxes of bacon, piles of drug interaction manuals and aisles of aspartame laced beverages.
You don’t want to interfere with that two thousand dollar a month heart and blood pressure pill bill for that poor old grandma on medicare and social security. These cats just gotta have that old capitation rate dough maker and the cashola machine treadmill of people falling apart in those packed lobbies for more hopeless office visits to get their next fix-
You gonna interfere with this? You better not. You are gonna piss some people off big time. How else do you think they can go to the tropics 3 times a year and cheat on their wives with them pharma reps in the miniskirts?
I guess you have figured out if they mess up the kids brains it gets even easier for ’em. Give ’em hell Joe. Thats what they are doing to everyone else
#24 by Joe Imbriano on August 9, 2013 - 5:44 pm
The third leading cause of death in the US is MD directed treatment: http://www.dorway.com/jama.html
With that being said, I don’t know if I would go quite that far. Like any profession, there are many wonderful hardworking, brilliant people in medicine. Sadly, there are also many that, after time fall into what you have described. We must educate them all along with the everyday common person. Millions of peoples’ health is on the line.
#25 by Anonymous on August 15, 2013 - 1:11 pm
The write up he did on your article was not one of scrutiny but rather was sheer childish mockery. By the way, did you grant him permission to publish excerpts from your article?
#26 by Pareidolius on August 10, 2013 - 9:18 am
Most of us at RI are either in public health, medical research, academia or are parents of children with special needs, including autism. That your science is hilariously wrong is only part of the “nerve” you struck. For me, it’s the conspiracies necessary for your dramatic worldview to make any sense. Those are some Illuminati/reptiloid-grade agendas indeed. As for comments being censored at RI? It takes a lot to get the ban hammer from our host. We need opposing viewpoints since echo chambers are only interesting for a few minutes at best? Besides, without trolls, how would we sharpen our reptiloid claws?
#27 by mom1 on August 10, 2013 - 3:39 pm
Spoken as a true member of the Medical Establishment.
#28 by Joe Imbriano on August 10, 2013 - 5:52 pm
See how they add the flying saucers and reptilians to the equation just like those late night talk radio clowns and the operation mockingbird assets do? Rat poison is 99.996% quality grains, peanut butter and 0.004% anti-coagulant. That is how it is done folks.
Never mind that billions are being flushed down into the dark endless, rabbit holes of the directed research machines. Forget the fact that 1 in 5 children now have a mental disorder:
You see, they must keep everyone’s eye off of the ball so an endless demand for drugs, treatment and managing this epidemic remains profitable to all involved at the expense of the children, just like almost all of the other scams that have been so carefully running in overdrive for the last 50 years or so.
In the meantime, http://www.thewirelessagenda.com will be exposed so that going http://www.wirelessandchildless.com doesn’t become a foregone conclusion ladies and gentlemen. You do see where we are going with this now don’t you? No chupacabras here, just links to things like this: http://www.csuohio.edu/engineering/ece/research/theses/2011/Mouradi%20Rand.pdf
#29 by wifi balloons on August 10, 2013 - 9:52 am
#30 by tin foil hat on August 10, 2013 - 11:58 am
Better put one on Joe.
#31 by cornerstone on August 10, 2013 - 11:07 am
Ridicule comes first, followed by violent opposition, then acceptance, that is assuming that you are right. In the meantime, the children suffer. No winners in this game right now except for the deeply entrenched vested financial interests. Sadly in this world the children always come last.
#32 by amateur night on August 10, 2013 - 3:01 pm
Bigger than big tobacco read all about it. Ashtrays in the doctors offices for years. Ads up the ying yang everywhere for decades. Tobacco execs in bed with the government cronies, incestuously enthroned on the big pharma boards, and hittin’ the Vegas conventions with the drug company hotties Louie Prima style all the while the band played on. Come to think of it, it still plays on. Jiggle sticks rarely affected anyone but the smoker, but wireless, hits all the way from the embryoanos on up to the nursing home paisanos. Any questions?
#33 by Galloping Gaucho on August 11, 2013 - 7:51 am
“Is Autism a direct result of wireless microwave EMF emissions acting upon the brains and intestines of the anemic unborn, barbaric birthing procedures and vaccines?”
“Ridicule comes first”…followed by the dull thud of another inane paranoid conspiracy theory vanishing into obscurity.
#34 by Joe Imbriano on August 11, 2013 - 2:01 pm
A conspiracy theory is simply just modern day vernacular for an unspeakable truth. Welcome to 2013.
The man in the moon is not causing the Autism. I believe that it is being caused as a result of the uninformed making what appear to be on the surface, seemingly safe choices. Such choices by are being made by simple people wanting to do what is best for their unborn child who blindly trust a class of people that have spent way too long under the influence of Big Pharma’s priesthood and Big Brother’s brainwashing for their own good.
I believe that we can thank big brother for their RF emission guidelines established without regard to non-thermal biological effects that conveniently, I believe by design, end up as bulletproof on the books and by doing so virtually guarantees the complete insidious bathing of every man woman and child on this planet in these emissions. Yes they ignore the non thermal effects as they ostensibly don’t exist, fertility is on the decline and my kids remote control car catches on fire every time we use it. The FCC RF exposure guidelines were developed for acute burning exposure on adult male exposure while ignoring effects on pregnant women and children. A microwave oven is by no means a safe bar. The end result, in my opinion,is inadequate exposure guidelines that clearly ARE NOT SAFETY STANDARDS that offer ABSOLUTELY NO PROTECTION FROM non-thermal electromagnetic interactions with our electrical human bodies.
Choices? Yes choices like being pregnant and hanging out too long with WiFi routers, cordless phones and base stations, wireless DVRs, wireless TVs, wireless workstations, operational microwave ovens, wireless enabled devices all day an night, surrounded by others who do the same at work and at home especially in multifamily housing compounding the exposures, taking the MD directed ferrous sulfate garbage, constipating, tar stool forming supplements instead of carbonyl iron and eating raw greens and a good diet, consuming those MD prescribed synthetic pre-natals with the opposite chirality of their naturally occurring counterparts instead of eating real food, endless MD directed toxic petrochemical poisons and injections, endless MD directed ultrasound video productions on those multi-million dollar machines, endless MD directed needless clampings of pulsating umbilical cords before the placental transfer is complete,inane ubiquitous MD directed nutritional disinformation, all in the name of protecting the 21st century’s latest oxymoron “THE PUBLIC HEALTH” It is falling apart, look around. The life expectancy is all front loaded with neonatal ICU propping it all up while the IQ’s tank and the chronic metabolic disorder rates are skyrocketing into orbit. Great business model but not a moral one.
Yes there are those who are in the know and then there are those who think they are in the know who surprisingly continue steadfastly in suppressing the truth, misdirecting the research, pleasurably tarring and feathering those that dare to blaze a new trail all the while cloaking it all in denial with that soft NPR voice that whispers in everyone’s ears “trust us”.
You and your too smart for your own briches academia cohorts got any other explanation for this disaster?
Lets see, solar minimums, carboxylic acid diapers, red herrings? Yeah that’s it, red herrings, I ate those at a buffet once, kinda tasty.
#35 by amateur night on August 13, 2013 - 7:07 pm
Those guys are a bunch of creeps over at that Frankenstein blog. Oh just give me some stepford wives. Inject everyone, drug everyone, irradiate everyone, ha ha ha ha ha! Ewwwww, ha ha ha ha ha! They turn the cause of Autism into a comedy central screenplay and a stamp licking thesaurus excursion.
They worship the drug companies because they are gods, ha ha ha ha ha. The vaccine manufactures have saved humanity, syringes for all, wireless ends vitamin deficiencies in all school children, towers for tots, tablets solve the girls estrogen issues of the future, the end of the iud, the wolves need the land back because fertility is evil, a media mogul’s dream. Johnny can’t read until the wireless LAN flips on.
I am about ready for a shot of black label and a cohiba right now. Nothin’ but the blues on this one I tell ya.
#36 by Joe Imbriano on August 13, 2013 - 10:35 pm
Sounds like a really bad dream.
#37 by Anonymous on August 14, 2013 - 9:16 pm
Joe, why would you do a post linking a story that is totally trying to make you out to be an idiot?
#38 by Joe Imbriano on August 15, 2013 - 9:34 am
I put it all on the table, post all comments and want everyone to make an objective decision. I am not here to push an agenda, I am here to raise the alarm. It is up to all involved to decide if they are going to willingly sleep through the fire.
#39 by Eric on August 15, 2013 - 7:18 am
Such a cunningly devised use of imagery, logic, satire, humor and a good old fashioned square between the eyes dose of reality. You go Joe.
#40 by Joe Imbriano on August 15, 2013 - 10:22 am
Job 28:28
And he said to the human race, “The fear of the Lord–that is wisdom, and to shun evil is understanding.”
#41 by Anonymous on August 15, 2013 - 11:32 am
will the human race ever learn?
#42 by Anonymous on August 16, 2013 - 10:31 am
Apparently, a post was made on the facebook page which took issue with the CHART that is used on Joe Imbriano’s autism article: http://thefullertoninformer.com/carbonyl-iron-and-orange-county-the-autism-capital-of-the-state/
Perhaps the poster should take this matter up with the Center For Disease Control (CDC), as they are the source of the data on the chart. Preoccupation with and attempts to shift focus onto sidebar issues and Joe Imbriano will not get the needed discussion going. All distractions are just that, distractions.
The issue is getting a fair and honest evaluation of this autism hypothesis based on its’ merit.
Aren’t you concerned about the rapidly increasing rate of autism, Michelle? Isn’t that the issue? Why resort to distractions? If you take issue with the autism hypothesis, go after it with concrete science.
Michelle I thought you were a “scientist”.
#43 by Anonymous on August 16, 2013 - 1:21 pm
Another poster bashed away and later admitted after reading Imbriano’s article several times he couldn’t even understand it? Huh?
#44 by eric on August 16, 2013 - 2:18 pm
Can you post the comments here?
#45 by disgusted on August 16, 2013 - 5:36 pm
I have sat back and listened long enough to the little clique and you know who you are. I have known several of you for many years. This issue seems to be bringing out the worst in some of you that I never would have expected.
The most startling of my observations has to do with how you want Mr. Imbriano to be run out of town instead of coming to the stark realization that he may be correct. What if he truly is right and that we are irreparably harming our children? What if he has indeed found a way to stop hurting unborn children. Your vitriol and motivations are truly deplorable. I am still shocked.
I never imagined that from some of you. Will you open your eyes to the possibility that we as moms, who truly know very little about the science or this issue for that matter, have become in our own ignorance, the real fools who should be ridiculed. Looking inwardly, one has to wonder what have we become? What will become of our children?
The children should come first, not the empty promises of some public official whose interests in this topic are merely administrative, the industry whose interests are purely financial and school officials whose interests are questionable at best. Considering what they have provided us as parents as proof that this is safe, compared to what this site is linked up to on this topic is very concerning.
It all just makes too much sense to ignore and the stakes are too high too leave it to chance. Call it maternal instinct, but something just isn’t right here.
#46 by Anonymous on August 16, 2013 - 8:17 pm
These people make me sick.
#47 by amateur night on August 16, 2013 - 9:41 pm
I have one of those barf bags from an airplane. I wonder if it came from one of the cats over at Executive environmental who slipped it my way. Did they bring it home from their jet set gig over Acacia on Jet Blue coming into LGB from Mccaren while they conducted their RF survey at 25,000 feet? I think I have the oxygen mask too. Did they think it was an extra part from their rented RF detector and were afraid to return it to the equipment rental counter? Maybe they thought they busted the thing. Next time they should use it while they are up there in that thin air. Yeah maybe that’s it.
#48 by Joe Imbriano on August 19, 2013 - 11:35 pm
#49 by welcome from science blog on August 17, 2013 - 10:05 pm
At the keyboard, hoping the no-preview bug doesn’t bite tonight
August 18, 2013
In the following, I use some trivial html entities: aelig (’cause I like using obsolete typography for obsolete concepts like aether and homoeopathy), sup2 for superscript2; mu for the Greek letter meaning micro; times for the times symbol; mdash for the em dash; and pi for that Greek letter. If WordPress’ bugs eat them, just put them back in where they would make sense.
Before getting to the good stuff, Ray, I’d like to ask you for a clarification of something you wrote in you introductory screed: you mentioned, more than once, the concepts of “RF radiofrequency” radiation. Since “RF” means “radio-frequency” in the field, would you explain the difference and utility of the concepts of “radio-frequency radio frequency” (as you reference) vs “non-radio-frequency radio frequency” (negating the modifier) vs “radio-frequency non radio frequency” (negating the noun). Once you do so, there may be a chance that your ‘contribution’ might be considered to make a little sense.
#112 Ray, August 17, 2013:
Johnny – A nanowatt is an appropriate unit to used when comparing wireless radiation to background levels. Why is it that you are ignoring the fact that levels in a classroom are millions of times higher?
You, earlier, were talking nanowatts per square meter (but I’m not going to reread all your drivel above to find the reference). Now you’re talking “millions of times higher” levels than that, which amounts to milliwatts per square meter, and you’re complaining about WiFi signals.
You had earlier misstated that the multiple WiFis in a classroom are additive with respect to power. This is not correct, since each WiFi channel is half duplex: there can be no more than one active transmission at a time on any given channel. Thus, no matter how many devices are using each channel, there can be no more than one device’s RF in the’æther’ at any time, so the maximum power in the whole system is three or four times the maximum channel power (sometimes a room can use as many as four channels; usually, the limit is three.) Because of required deadtime between packets, the utilization of a channel is far less than 100%, but we can ignore that for simplicity.
I haven’t found the US limits, but the EU power limit is 100 milliwatt (mw) EIRP per device. EIRP is the radiated power integrated over the entire sphere surrounding the device. One square meter is the surface area of a sphere with a radius of (about) 282 mm, 28 cm, or ’bout 11 inches — call it a foot for simplicity.
How many square meters per student? I’m 1.8 m tall by less than .5m at my widest aspect: that makes me maybe .9m². A large high-school student might be this big. An elementary-school student might be .2 to .3 m².
How close is the average student to the radiation source? As a SWAG, I’d say 6 meters, or about 20 feet. This, again, is likely to be small, giving Ray yet another benefit of known error. The RF source is at the center of a sphere of 6m radius: the sphere’s area is about 450 m², according to my handy calculator widget, using area = 4 × π × r².
Let’s take a large kid, 70% of my height and width, thus presenting half my area, or about .45m², to the radiation. Since the radiation covers 450m², he’s getting .001 (.1%) of it. Since the max EIRP is 100 mw, he’s getting less than 100 μw.
One hundred microwatts is in the range of a few thousands of nanowatts, not millions of them — and that’s with all the errors of approximation going your way, Ray.
#50 by mom1 on August 18, 2013 - 1:31 pm
wow! You lost me at the first sentence with your Medical Establishment perspective: “obsolete concepts like . . . homoeopathy).” Doesn’t it get tiresome being part of the Establishment, not open to considering new ideas, unless they involve monetary gain from your pal, Big Pharma?
I guess your greed overtakes the boredom factor.
#51 by Joe Imbriano on August 17, 2013 - 11:12 pm
“How close is the average student to the radiation source? As a SWAG, I’d say 6 meters, or about 20 feet. This, again, is likely to be small, giving Ray yet another benefit of known error. The RF source is at the center of a sphere of 6m radius: the sphere’s area is about 450 m², according to my handy calculator widget, using area = 4 × π × r². “ excerpt from blog comment-
How about the microwave transmitter known as the tablet in the kid’s lap (brings the radius down to zero) with the Cisco access point 6 feet above some kids’ heads? So multiply that times 35 kids on a 1:1 ratio of device to student and the access points on both sides of the room on either side of the walls. How about the tablet in his lap at home doing his homework with the router next to his cabeza on the desk, with 20 more within 250 feet in his apartment building? Lets not forget his brother in his mothers womb with the wireless workstation at the office, the lap top on her tummy at home, the repeater behind the bedroom wall, the cordless phone, and the router on the nightstand? What does that do to your fuzzy math, sunlight and 60 hz ballast interference minus the cell tower on the roof at the office and at the park next door aside? Yeah big words, lots of formulae and muchos errores for obfuscation. Wanna know why there are no studies? Take a big guess.
The wireless classrooms will yield the results in 10 years and those eugenicists will be lickin’ their chops.
#52 by Ray on August 18, 2013 - 5:53 am
There is a much easier way to determine how much radiation children are being exposed to in the classroom, and it involves using an RF measuring instrument. Not only is this easier than doing all kinds of theoretical calculations, it is more accurate.
Spend a week with a quality RF meter and you will know what I’m talking about when I say that the levels of RF radiation in the classrooms are millions of times higher than in low radiation natural environments.
I personally recommend the Gigahertz Solutions HFE59B, as it has the ability to show the full range of RF emissions that are present in our environment. Go out into nature, where there isn’t a cell signal and you will get a measurement of 0.001 uW/m2.
Then take the meter into a room with a WiFi router, and watch the numbers climb into the 1,000’s of uW/m2. Recognize that these are already 1,000 x 1,000 of the levels that are out in nature. This means levels of radiation simply in the room, roughly ten feet from the router are one million times higher than out in nature.
Next test the wireless devices themselves. The Gigaherz Solutions meters are not designed to give accurate near field readings, but even at 3 feet away you will find levels of over 5,000 uW/m2. Those are at least 5 million times higher than natural areas.
In order to get accurate readings of the levels that students will be exposed to if they are sitting one foot away, with certain parts of their bodies in direct contact with the device, you will have to look at studies conducted in laboratories. The IMTS 2005 study found that the radiation levels to the thighs can be as high as 120,000 uW/m2. The NRW Ministry of Environment brochure on wireless devices states that it can be as high as 50,000,000 uW/m2.
If you really want to know the true absorption levels, as in SAR, well that’s another issue altogether, and much more complex. Something that we need to keep in mind is that the research clearly shows that children absorb more radiation than adults. So to me, it is common sense that we should err on the side of caution.
If you look at the scientific literature, you will see that there are a large number of peer reviewed studies reporting adverse biological and health effects at the levels which are emitted within a WiFi enabled classroom. This is more than sufficient evidence to select wired internet solutions in schools. We are talking about our most sensitive population, and it makes no sense to risk their health, day in and day out to those high of emissions. It is unnecessary, inhumane, if not criminal.
#53 by welcome from science blog on August 18, 2013 - 9:54 pm
The Very Reverend Battleaxe of Knowledge
August 19, 2013
Ray, it’s only been 113 years, so perhaps you’re unfamiliar with the equation E=hν. (That’s a “nu” not a “v”—this font is worthless.)
That means the energy of a photon of electromagnetic radiation of a given frequency is Planck’s constant times its frequency. For 2.45 GHz photons, I get about 1.01384 x 10^-5 eV.
The lowest ionization energy I can find is cesium, at 3.8939 eV. For biological significance, carbon=11.2603 eV, hydrogen=13.59844 eV, oxygen=13.61806 eV, nitrogen=14.53414 eV, and since you keep bringing up DNA, phosphorus=10.48669 eV. Even the lowest of these is a little over 1 million times the energy of the microwave photons we’re talking about. (And before you say it just takes a million of them to do the same job, there’s this thing called Quantum Mechanics—perhaps you should look into it.)
The only harm microwaves could do to anybody is to raise the temperature of some body part to unhealthy levels, and that takes many times the power we’re talking about. If you were being exposed to high-power microwaves, the first symptom would be the vitreous humor in your eyeballs turning opaque, because it’s not cooled by blood circulation, and that would be readily noticeable. Any reports of that happening? Didn’t think so.
BTW, they pasteurize eggs at 140˚ F, without any denaturing of the egg white, and I really think people would notice their eyeballs heating up to 140˚!
#54 by Joe Imbriano on August 18, 2013 - 10:31 pm
We are not talking about knocking an electron out of orbit, we are not talking about ionizing radiation. We are talking about electromagnetic emissions that are in a different part of the electromagnetic spectrum at 2.45 ghz which is where the maximum dielectric loss of water begins, where the FCC says go to town boys, just don’t cook ‘em, where most of the human body absorbs, and vibrations result in structural isomerism to things like insulin receptors via a non thermal mechanism. Insulin receptors don’t dig it especially when the soda has high fructose corn syrup in it.\
These emissions contain energy. Any one of us can pull out the old equations and punch numbers into the TI scientific calculator. Not everyone is brainwashed into believing that low power to you may not be low power to a certain component of a biological system. They do things like leave extra parts in cells after divisions, make the remote control car go, the cell phone ring, make the human eggs unable to be fertilized, give sperm flat heads and weak tails, give the unborn autism, make the average person walk around in a fog. Studies you bet -peer reviewed, you bet-these effects-heck no. The largest class action law suits in world history would be well underway if the scientists went there. They can’t, they won’t and those that do, won’t be scientists for long.
Oh yeah you say-prove it- show me the studies-Why don’t you ask your pals in the white coats that huff acetone all day to get their hands out of the glove box for a minute and ask the honchos for a couple hundred g’s to study just one of my Embryaino supposed ridiculous theories . I dare you.
#55 by Ray on August 19, 2013 - 11:08 am
Dear Representative of the “science blog”,
It used to be believed that EMR radiation could not cause damage to DNA or other genetic material because, as with all non-ionizing radiation, it does not possess enough energy to knock electrons out of orbit.
Over the last several decades, however, it has been shown in laboratories around the world that damage to DNA and other genetic material does occur as a result of exposure to EMR radiation. The exact mechanisms are not yet understood, but it may have to do with the Fenton Reaction and or oxidative stress.
I have provided you and your gang the most up to date peer reviewed research, but it appears that you do not believe it. Your beliefs are preventing you from being able to see the evidence before you.
I can understand that this would be the case, because the whole reason for your blog’s existence is to attempt to discredit scientific and or medical information such as this.
I do not expect you or your other cohorts to come around any time soon, in fact I wouldn’t be surprised if you were the last to accept this evolution in scientific understanding.
Here are the links to the Bioinitiative Report’s Section on Genotoxicity, which provides hundreds of peer reviewed studies reporting genetic effects from EMR radiation.
One of the more recent studies by Adendano et al, 2012, found that exposure to WiFi laptops for only 4 hours caused increases in DNA fragmentation as well as reduced sperm motility.
The scientists concluded:
“These findings raise questions about the safety of radiofrequency exposure from Wi-Fi Internet access devices for growing organisms of reproductive age, with a potential effect on both fertility and the integrity of germ cells”
#56 by Anonymous on August 19, 2013 - 10:07 pm
2012 Bioinitiative suggests that .03 microwatts/cm2 should be the exposure limit. How is it possible to operate within that range?
#57 by Joe Imbriano on August 19, 2013 - 11:32 pm
It is not possible to achieve that level of exposure with current technology in the classrooms.
#58 by Ray on August 21, 2013 - 7:42 am
Joe has it right.
But there is more.
New studies continue to be published each year that show biological effects at lower levels that were previously thought to be harmful.
Today the research shows biological and health effects at about 3 microwatts per square meter.
Next year it could be 1 microwatts, or even less, getting down into the nanowatts.
We know that children are more sensitive and vulnerable to microwave radiation, as they are to many environmental toxins. Given this, we should err on the side of caution, and reduce the levels as much as prudently possible. WiFi should not be utilized in schools at all.
In my experience, it’s really the teachers and staff whose addiction to the convenience of WiFi that is the biggest obstacle. The answer to this is the strong presence of many educated and responsible parents.
#59 by Joe Imbriano on August 21, 2013 - 10:01 am
When the normal background level of microwave radiation increases trillion-fold in less than just one generation, the consequences are inevitable. Quantifying these consequences truly becomes the challenge.
What we face is a complete lack of objectivity in the scientific community in terms of the direction of research and its funding in a sea full of red herrings being broadcast on literally every channel.
Although it will be difficult, it will not be impossible for this story to break. Think in terms of what we face. The whole sexy wireless push is back dropped against what I believe to be an insidious clandestine eugenics agenda, with the blessing of the RF industry’s bought and paid for scientists, toss into the mix the bioethicists creation of its medical economics monster, and chase it down with the enforcement arm of this new medical tyranny and irradiation compliance system: the public schools run by agents of the state with their eyes wide shut,who are real placation, double speak experts that can’t stand being called lazy and stupid.
With thousands of peer reviewed studies available warning against what they are doing, they continue to make the decisions for the children, that are in my opinion, not even remotely in the best interests of the children.
Why do we have wireless LAN networks in operation all day in all of the FSD’s elementary rooms including kindergarten rooms full of 5 year olds that are not even using tablets or laptops? Some are seated as close to 9 feet from the access points exposing the pupil to trillions of times the normal background levels of microwave radiation that their own parents were exposed to as children? Why, just so the teacher can use their wireless tablet or laptop? Right now yes that is the reason.
I believe at the same time, they are warming up the children and the public for the day that is coming soon. (FSD board of trustees has now put the district in the business of loan guarantees to FSD school foundations to purchase the high frequency microwave pulsed radiation emitting transmitter devices). They intend to place one of these microwave transmitters in the lap of every last one of your children in direct proximity to their sensitive developing reproductive areas.
Call me what you want. I call it as I see it. Call me terse, rude, or even disrespectful? Perhaps, but considering what is at stake, what choice do we have when we are dealing with what I believe to be obstinence, deaf ears and authoritative arrogance. We are talking about children ladies and gentleman, your children.
#60 by Anonymous on August 22, 2013 - 11:38 am
In regards to your point about these levels being so high, we have bright lights at night, toasters that heat coils, radiation from nuclear power. Why don’t you blame those as well?
#61 by Joe Imbriano on August 24, 2013 - 1:08 pm
The natural background levels and sources of various types of emissions in the environment such as lightning, static electricity, visible light, infrared, ultraviolet, and radio nuclide decay, are nowhere near the trillions of times the naturally occurring background levels of microwave radiation compared to that which WiFi and wireless technologies expose us to.
#62 by Ray on August 24, 2013 - 10:36 am
RF Microwave radiation as emitted from wireless devices in classrooms is:
1. Scientifically proven to be a hazard to human health.
2. Unnecessary. Hardwired computers do not emit RF microwave radiation.
3. Easily corrected.
#63 by Joe Imbriano on August 24, 2013 - 1:12 pm
1. Agreed
2. Agreed
3. Agreed, that is assuming that you are dealing with rational and competent school officials.
#64 by Anonymous on August 24, 2013 - 1:35 pm
Fullerton has a Board of Trustees that are simply career politicians and an administrative staff that simply follow top down orders. You will find this everywhere.
#65 by Joe Imbriano on August 24, 2013 - 6:06 pm
Change begins in your own backyard.