I sent an email over the firm that the district hired to do the RF survey over at Acacia Elementary. I can’t make heads or tails out of those numbers because even the cheapest RF meter that I own, detects WiFi outside the building , which they couldn’t manage to detect the first time the gang showed up at Acacia with their RENTED equipment (huge red flag).
I showed up at open house with my low end equipment, and mind you there were NOT 35 Ipads running like they supposedly had on when they did their survey, and I detected levels astronomically higher coming off of just the router in a kindergarten class with no IPads running compared to what they reported on their second visit with an even more sophisticated, $50,000 piece of RENTED equipment (huge red flag), that in reality takes a trained expert with tremendous experience to operate and to accurately measure RF levels. O.K, lets cut to the chase gang:

From: joe imbriano <joeimbriano777@gmail.com>
Subject: Fwd: FSD RF report
To: info@execenv.com, info@thefullertoninformer.com
2nd request
From: joe imbriano <joeimbriano777@gmail.com>
Date: Thu, Jul 11, 2013 at 5:48 PM
Subject: FSD RF report
To: info@execenv.com, info@thefullertoninformer.com
I would like to know as a parent of 4 students in the FSD, how many RF emission surveys has your firm conducted over the last 20 years? As a parent of children in the FSD, I am deeply concerned with the results that you have put forth.
From: joe imbriano <joeimbriano777@gmail.com>
Date: Tue, Jul 30, 2013 at 1:28 PM
Subject: FSD RF report
To: info@execenv.com, info@thefullertoninformer.com
3rd request
I would like to know as a parent of 4 students in the FSD, how many RF emission surveys has your firm conducted over the last 20 years? As a parent of children in the FSD, I am deeply concerned with the results that you have put forth.
Thank you
#1 by jbeck on July 14, 2013 - 10:17 pm
love the cartoon ; )
#2 by R.D. on July 15, 2013 - 9:38 am
We’re all deeply concerned with the results that they have put forth. I had a feeling that the RF emissions would register outside the classrooms.
#3 by "time is of the essence" on August 4, 2013 - 6:23 pm
Magda Havas, PhD
Associate Professor, Environment & Resource Studies, Trent University, Canada.
Expert in radiofrequency radiation, electromagnetic fields, dirty electricity and ground current.
“Radio frequency radiation and other forms of electromagnetic pollution are harmful at orders of magnitude well below existing guidelines. Science is one of the tools society uses to decide health policy. In the case of telecommunications equipment, such as cell phones, wireless networks, cell phone antennas, PDAs, and portable phones, the science is being ignored. Current guidelines urgently need to be re-examined by government and reduced to reflect the state of the science. There is an emerging public health crisis at hand and time is of the essence.”