It has been 30 days since I sent a mass email regarding the potential health hazards of wireless classrooms posed to students and staff to every administrative office in the entire district. It has also been over 30 days since I personally addressed and handed the Board of Trustees the information contained on this web site.   As of this writing, I HAVE NOT RECEIVED ONE SINGLE EMAIL  OR PHONE CALL FROM ANYONE FROM INSIDE THE FSD, WITH THE EXCEPTION OF CHRIS THOMPSON, WHO BY THE WAY DOES NOT AGREE WITH ME on this issue, specifically addressing the safety concerns set forth here on this blog since this blog was launched.  Astonishingly, not even my own children’s teachers have reached out to me.  In the meantime, the district simply plows ahead to place these high frequency microwave transmitters in every child’s lap connected to a high powered WiFi network in every classroom. In the meantime, the usual insiders continue to vie with each other for photo ops while taking their wireless classroom dog and pony show on the road to the unsuspecting public.

In addition, there have been MULTIPLE written attempts to gain WRITTEN PERMISSION TO access to my children’s schools to take and film EMF measurements so they can be made available to the public.  On May 16, 2013 that request for permission to enter, film and record EMF measurements in my children’s classrooms was OFFICIALLY DENIED IN WRITING BY THE F.S.D.  SUPERINTENDENT DR. PLETKA.

I even faxed a signed WiFi non-consent form over to the junior high my son attends, and at first, and I confirmed this, that it ended up in the circular file.  After a second attempt via email, it’s receipt was confirmed but now the principal will not answer my questions.   She now defers me to the technology director, the same guy, who for months, has been ignoring my requests for EMF readings.

So what gives?   What on earth is going on inside the FSD.   Have you ever dealt with the administration on a tough issue and felt like they truly  care?   Sure, they give you that sweet smile, and with that soft NPR voice, tell you that they will look into it.   I have it on good authority that a few articles are not going to sway the top brass either way on this issue.   So there it is folks.

I never took the silent treatment and playing hard to get personally, even growing up.   It always made me try harder.  It worked on my wife.   At first it seemed to indicate to me that the silent party simply wanted nothing to do with you, what you are selling, what you stand for, or in this case what you want them to know and look into.    Playing games along those lines is all well and good on a personal level.   In this case, however, it is problematic because they work for us and are entrusted with the care of our children while in their custody 160 days a year.  How can they so brazenly ignore expert testimony of those on this issue, whose degrees don’t even register on the district’s thermometers, that has been so clearly set forth in their laps?   Ironically, the battle clearly rages on  with our neighbors to the north in the LAUSD with regard to this very issue.  It is no secret that the UTLA, the teachers union up there, wants no part of this radiation experiment either.   Our own teachers union in town, well………

In my opinion, THE PUBLIC TRUST AND THE FULLERTON SCHOOL DISTRICT are on the road to becoming mutually exclusive terms in the local vernacular.

The health of 15,000 children is potentially on the line and they don’t even give us the time of day.   What else would you expect in a school district whose motto is “learning for a lifetime”.    Quite possibly, it could very well be that they know it will take them that long to figure out that what they are doing could be so egregiously wrong.  Stay tuned.

  1. #1 by friend of all on April 24, 2013 - 6:21 am

    Very well written. It will be very insightful to anybody who has doubts as to FSD’s true intentions, including yours truly. Keep up the good work – can’t wait to read more posts.

  2. #2 by Anonymous on April 24, 2013 - 8:18 am

    As if the children don’t look at enough screens at home?

  3. #3 by Anonymous on April 24, 2013 - 7:01 pm

    The lawyers for the district have probably told them to ignore you. That would be my guess.

  4. #4 by mom1 on April 24, 2013 - 9:16 pm

    I second the “friend of all” comment.
    Given all that has transpired, FSD is heartless and cares not for our children.

    FSD: If you care not for our children, why are you in this profession? Teachers, are you immovable from your place of silence? It is times such as these that your mettle is evident; you need to rise to the occasion. Don’t look back on this opportunity to advocate on behalf of the children with regret because you stood by and did nothing.

    • #5 by Joe Imbriano on April 24, 2013 - 9:56 pm

      I think that the rougher the road gets, the more evident the quality of the suspension that you are riding on becomes.

      You can infer what you wish about the character of the FSD and its employees. Their actions will speak louder than their words. The effectiveness of placation ends where character begins to count. We arrived at that point over a month ago.

  5. #6 by ru pregnant? on April 25, 2013 - 7:06 pm

    Any pregnant FSD teachers, staff, or administrators? FSD must not care about their pregnant employees, either.

    American Academy of Environmental Medicine (letter dated 3/19/2013)

    “In May 2011, the World Health Organization elevated exposure to wireless radiation, including WiFi, onto the Class 2b list of Carcinogens.
    In October 2012, the AAEM issued a public warning about Wifi in schools that stated:
    ‘Adverse health effects from wireless radio frequency fields, such as learning disabilities, altered immune responses, and headaches, clearly exist and are well documented in the scientific literature. Safer technology, such as use of hard-wiring, is strongly recommended in schools.’

    In December 2012, the American Academy of Pediatrics – representing 60,000 pediatricians, wrote to Congress requesting it update the safety levels of microwave radiation exposure especially for children and pregnant women.”

  6. #7 by ru pregnant? on April 26, 2013 - 2:20 pm

    FSD teachers that are pregnant, your UNION could intervene on your behalf. They would take very seriously the recommendations from all of these neuroscientists and medical doctors to get rid of the WiFi.

    • #8 by rucrazy on April 26, 2013 - 3:12 pm

      The union only intervenes when a pay cut needs to be replaced with a furlough day.

      You see, the pay cut is much harder to get reversed than a furlough day.

  7. #9 by Veritas on April 26, 2013 - 9:22 pm

    This is from the Orange County Dept of Ed, Health and Wellness page:

    Healthy Students Learn Better…

    …and are more successful in school! The goal of the OCDE is for all students to succeed.The OCDE recognizes the importance of health and its relationship to learning; the goal is that our students experience wellness and achieve their greatest potential.

    Coordinated school health programs, which include nursing and health services, promote health and wellness. The OCDE’s mission is to serve students, schools, parents, and the community to promote optimal health for our schools and community. The OCDE provides the support our schools need to maintain a healthy environment that fosters learning.

    What a load of baloney!!!
    They only care about the health of the kids when it suits them.

  8. #10 by Veritas on April 27, 2013 - 7:10 am

    This is straight from a FSD presentation on the district’s budget:

    “Deficit spending still projected for next two fiscal years”

    Why on earth is FSD working so hard to bring in harmful wifi when they are projecting deficit spending?????

    FSD Board of Education, you have a fiduciary responsibility to uphold. Why are you spending money on discretionary items when we are in a deficit spending mode FOR THE NEXT TWO YEARS?

  9. #11 by Anonymous on April 28, 2013 - 3:31 pm

    I am amazed at what is going on here. Some of my friends don’t want to talk about this issue.

  10. #12 by Joe Imbriano on April 30, 2013 - 10:25 pm

    And tonight we tried it again over on Valencia. We shall see what they do. They say that the third time’s the charm.

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